Friday, 20 November 2009

Letter Press

These prints are for my visual equations project, I have been looking at logos and changing the type they use and the colours they use. Also looking at space and how using space makes this stand out.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Poole Quay

Heres a final outcome from a Poole Quay project, its meant to show regeneration of the place.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Type And Tape

Working in groups we produced a word made out of tape, this was really fun. we used different colours and sizes on a large scale, to produce our word special but spelt wronge on perpose. I also looked at different backgrounds with different words.

Book Making

I found this really helpfull, and really usfull, it makes your work look so much better if you have made you own books.

Monday, 2 November 2009

Letter Press

These prints are from words I have chosen, Freedom and Boundary. I looked at a couple of different ways in which I could represent the words for the same meaning.