Thursday, 25 February 2010

Animation with the music

This is my finished animation.

animation 7

In this animation there is a lot of words in grey and not black they do not stand out very well. It is not completely finished I need to look at the timing and put in the ending.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Animation 6

This animation is going to be changed, the first part has been changed to Futura. This type face is bolder and does not get lost with images behind.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


I want to use happy music in the animation and I think this one works really well.

Animation 5

Animation 4

This animation needs a lot of editing, at the beginning the word happiest needs to flow with the flag at the moment it is too stiff and jumpy. "Happiest place to live is too fast and you can not read it very well. "A MILLION" going down the line needs to flow smoother. When I zoom into the people there is a gap at the bottom i need to change that. Also some words go off the screen, I need to edit everything really to make it fit and and flow in time.

Animation 3 is the new updated version, all the things I wanted to edit are edited.

Animation 3

I have done a lot more work to the animation, I need go through it and look at the motion tween's and the timing, I have put an image into it which makes it more interesting to look at instead of a blank background.

Previous Animation

This is one of the animation I produced at he start, I think I have improved the animation since this one.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Animation 2

In this animation I decided I wanted to change the beginning, I want the writing in the middle of the page. I have added some more text to it, but as you can see it needs working on. The writing is more central "place to live in the UK" it takes up the page instead of in the corner.


This animation is not quite finished, I am sort of getting the hang of flash now. It is still very jumpy, so I will need to look at the frames and put motion tween's where they are needed. Where I have written half a million I thing when the writing is going down the line, i should use the same angle as the flags. So there is more relevance to it. I think I need to use more backgrounds, maybe looking at the scenery of Edinburgh.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


I have researched what people laugh, it is not only jokes but is the sound of laughter makes people laugh.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Screen based communication.

I have the task to produce an animation on a statistic, I have decided to do mine about laughing. Surprisingly laughing is very good for your well being and improves your immune system. Laughter releases endorphins in your body and a chemical 10 times more powerful than the pain relieving drug Morphine.

I want my animation to look fun and colourful, using a lot of typography. I am not sure if I am going to use kinetic typography, I am going to see what the outcome is. I have produces a simple poster of the ideas I have for my animation of what i roughly want it to look like, and the information I may want to use.